It’s Time to Celebrate Our Furry Feline Friends

By Judy Layne

Charles Dickens said “What greater gift than the love of a cat?”  Those of us with feline family members would agree.  We know that life just isn’t the same without a cat in it! We have the privilege of enjoying the companionship and unconditional love our kitties bestow upon us all year long. November has been designated as Cat Appreciation Month to encourage cat lovers to celebrate the kitties in their life, but as well, to draw public attention to the large number of cats that are waiting in shelters and rescues to find their forever homes and that special someone to love them.

Whether you’re a cat person or not, there’s a certain appreciation you have to have for cats and their long history within civilizations. Cats have been a part of our culture and home lives since ancient Egyptian times.  There have been many famous cats throughout history – from presidential felines like Abe Lincoln’s cat Tabby and Bill Clinton’s cat Socks to internet stars like Grumpy Cat.

But it’s the everyday cats that bring magic and joy to our lives.  It’s a rare day when I don’t think about how grateful I am for the amazing adopted kitties in my life.  They are more than pets; they are family members.  Cat Appreciation Month is a purr-fect opportunity for me to share some of the reasons I value my cats.  They make me smile and laugh at their goofy antics.  They’re great listeners and love to chat.  They’re always available to cuddle, to warm my lap and bed, and to donate their services as alarm clocks! They make a windowsill more beautiful.  They’ve taught me important life lessons: the value of opening your heart to nurture others, how to move through fear or hard times and land on your feet, how to appreciate the ordinary and dare to interpret it as extraordinary, as only cats do. They’ve inspired me to do more, to give more and to be more when it comes to animal welfare.  And they’ve taught me how to cope with grief and let go.

Why are YOU thankful for the cats in your life?  If you have a kitty who brightens your life, makes you laugh and adores you unconditionally, share their story and photo with others on the SPCA’s Facebook page:


Here are some great ways to celebrate Cat Appreciation Month. 

For your own kitty:

  • spoil them with a new fun toy, bed or treats
  • make a comfy window perch for them to enjoy the sunshine
  • give them a soothing brushing or massage

For all the homeless kitties out there:


The Nova Scotia SPCA believes that every cat deserves a forever home where they are safe, warm, loved and treated as family – in short, appreciated.  Every year, over 4,000 homeless cats cross the SPCA’s doorway in need of help and looking for love.

Being a cat parent is a precious gift and a responsibility that should never be taken lightly.  Please ensure you can properly care for a cat before opening your heart and home.


Judy Layne

Judy is a dedicated volunteer with the Nova Scotia SPCA and proud adoptive fur-mama to Gracie. She is committed to speaking for animals who cannot speak for themselves.