The Paw Print

The Paw Print

A Special Needs Kitty Finds a Special Family

There are special people in this world. People with big hearts willing to step up to give... READ MOREabout A Special Needs Kitty Finds a Special Family

Running for Love

July 4, 2022 was a day of unimaginable sorrow for Kevin. That’s the day when Kevin lost... READ MOREabout Running for Love

A True Heart Connection

The heart wants what it wants. No, we aren’t talking about Selena Gomez’s hit song. We mean... READ MOREabout A True Heart Connection

New Thrift Store Renovations Provide More Second Chances for Local Pets in Need

The Nova Scotia SPCA’s Cape Breton Thrift Store has recently undergone extensive renovations to better serve... READ MOREabout New Thrift Store Renovations Provide More Second Chances for Local Pets in Need

A Tribute to Selena

Last month, we said goodbye to a dear kitty that I had the honor of... READ MOREabout A Tribute to Selena

From Student to Proud Staff Member

Amy joined the first Nova Scotia SPCA College of Animal Welfare class because she wanted to... READ MOREabout From Student to Proud Staff Member