The Paw Print

The Paw Print

Lost & Found

“Missing pet” is something we all fear to hear. Unfortunately, in North America, a pet is lost... READ MOREabout Lost & Found

Kimber Gets a New ‘Leash’ on Life

On May 16, 2019, Kimber was rescued by SPCA Enforcement Officers, along with 5 other dogs... READ MOREabout Kimber Gets a New ‘Leash’ on Life

Teaching Kids to be Kind to Animals

Teaching kids to be kind to animals is one of the most important life lessons we can... READ MOREabout Teaching Kids to be Kind to Animals

The Rescue Warriors

A group of young kiddos appropriately named the Rescue Warriors have set out to help pets in... READ MOREabout The Rescue Warriors

Kids Who Care

Some of the smallest people have the biggest hearts when it comes to animals. We wanted to... READ MOREabout Kids Who Care

Fostering: Pawsome for Pets and Kids

12-year-old Tylar Gray has already helped save 8 lives. How, might you ask? Through rescuing strays and... READ MOREabout Fostering: Pawsome for Pets and Kids