The Paw Print

Tag: Adoption Update

Loki Leaves His Past Behind

On November 2nd last year, Mandy Morgan and her parents adopted a deserving dog from the Nova... READ MOREabout Loki Leaves His Past Behind

Life After a Puppy Mill

On December 10th, 35 dogs were rescued from a puppy mill. Not long after being in our... READ MOREabout Life After a Puppy Mill

Kimber Gets a New ‘Leash’ on Life

On May 16, 2019, Kimber was rescued by SPCA Enforcement Officers, along with 5 other dogs... READ MOREabout Kimber Gets a New ‘Leash’ on Life

The Perfect 4-Pack: Moose’s Story

John Bennet and his partner Marchell Lynk have never been shy about taking on a challenge. And... READ MOREabout The Perfect 4-Pack: Moose’s Story

Power of Pets

The bond we share with our pets is so powerful. They bring us comfort, companionship, and motivation.... READ MOREabout Power of Pets