The Paw Print
Tag: Adoption Update
Deaf Dogs Rock
Seven was surrendered to the SPCA because her previous owner believed she was “untrainable.” But Seven wasn’t... READ MOREabout Deaf Dogs Rock
Love is Ageless – A Mom’s Letter to her Cat Gracie
Dear Gracie, I have written this love letter to you a thousand times in... READ MOREabout Love is Ageless – A Mom’s Letter to her Cat Gracie
Beauty’s Happy Tail
Found in a parking lot, Beauty was a young stray kitty struggling to survive. She was scooped... READ MOREabout Beauty’s Happy Tail
Giving Tuesday
Most people know about Black Friday and Cyber Monday… but have you heard about Giving Tuesday? Giving Tuesday... READ MOREabout Giving Tuesday
Versace’s Happy Tail
Due to breed-specific-legislation, Versace could not be adopted in Ontario and made the long trek to the... READ MOREabout Versace’s Happy Tail