The Paw Print

Tag: Cats

Homeless Kitty Rescued after Hurricane

In September 2020, Nova Scotia was hit with a powerful storm – Hurricane Teddy. With forecast warnings... READ MOREabout Homeless Kitty Rescued after Hurricane

A Fabulous Fix-Up for our Feral Feline Friends

It started 5 years ago with a vision and a 1.25 acre piece of forest land behind... READ MOREabout A Fabulous Fix-Up for our Feral Feline Friends

Tiny Tootsies, Huge Spirit

Bravery comes in all shapes and sizes. Take little Tinker for example. A pint-sized ball of feline... READ MOREabout Tiny Tootsies, Huge Spirit

The Cat Who Broke INTO the Shelter

Homeless pets are brought to the SPCA all the time. Sometimes they are surrendered because their... READ MOREabout The Cat Who Broke INTO the Shelter

Three Special-Needs Kittens Find a Special Mom

There are special people in this world.  People with big hearts willing to step up to give... READ MOREabout Three Special-Needs Kittens Find a Special Mom