The Paw Print

Tag: Volunteer

Volunteer Spirit Runs in This Family

Volunteers are the backbone of the Nova Scotia SPCA; the organization could not do its life-saving... READ MOREabout Volunteer Spirit Runs in This Family

Caring Heart, Caring Hands

It’s been said that volunteers are ordinary people with extraordinary hearts. They offer the gift of... READ MOREabout Caring Heart, Caring Hands

Are Pets the Ultimate Influencers?

Webster’s dictionary defines “influencer” as a person who inspires or guides the actions of others. You see... READ MOREabout Are Pets the Ultimate Influencers?

Abby the Tabby Fills the Hole in her Mom’s Heart

Five-year old Abby arrived at the Kings SPCA in 2018 in poor shape. She was covered... READ MOREabout Abby the Tabby Fills the Hole in her Mom’s Heart

Volunteers Make Magic Possible

Do you have a favorite movie? Have you ever thought about the hundreds of people working hard... READ MOREabout Volunteers Make Magic Possible