The Paw Print

Small Kid – Big Heart

You’re never too small to make a difference.  Just ask eight-year-old Riley Pepler! READ MOREabout Small Kid – Big Heart

Deaf Dogs Rock

Seven was surrendered to the SPCA because her previous owner believed she was “untrainable.” But Seven wasn’t... READ MOREabout Deaf Dogs Rock

Healthy Teeth Make For Healthy Pets

Good dental hygiene is just as important for pets as it is for people.  If in doubt,... READ MOREabout Healthy Teeth Make For Healthy Pets

Show Your Love & Fix Your Pet

Beginning way back in 1979 and continuing for the next three decades, Bob Barker, host of the Price... READ MOREabout Show Your Love & Fix Your Pet

Three Legs & Limitless Love: Ron’s Story

All pets deserve love and attention.  Pets with special needs require extra love and care, and include... READ MOREabout Three Legs & Limitless Love: Ron’s Story

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